Dec 2024
V International Conference on Machine Learning & Applied Network Technologies
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The V International Conference on Machine learning and Applied Network Technologies (ICMLANT 2024) is organized by IEEE El Salvador Section and supported by STEAM Robotics Academy, El Salvador.

The congress will attract insightful plenary talks, keynote addresses, tutorials and workshops by leaders in academic research, industrial practice and domain experts. The frontiers of research will be presented through contributed technical paper presentations.

The congress will attract researchers, academia, and industry people to present their research work. The event will invite various industry and academic experts to share best practices and lessons learned, latest research, new standards development initiatives, innovations, and first-hand experiences regarding prototyping and initial service offerings in Machine Learning. It will offer an outstanding opportunity to showcase your research products and applications to provides an ideal platform for you to reach among the networking platform. It will allow authors to discuss their cutting-edge research work, share the work progress, address the various problem which they are encountering in research studies.

Meet Our Speakers

Sanjeev Kumar, PhD


Talk title:

Diego Oliva, PhD

Universidad de Guadalajara (CUCEI

Title Talk:

Technical Program
Important Dates

Submission of Full Paper : October 30, 2024

Notification of Acceptance : November 20, 2024

Submission of Camera Ready Papers: November 30, 2024

Late Registration Deadline : December 1, 2024

Conference Dates : December 12-13, 2024

Call For Papers

Potential authors are encouraged to contribute and to outline the conference through novel and innovative submissions of their research papers. Also, high quality research papers describing unpublished results of conceptual and theoretical work in All areas of Machine Learning and networking technologies.

We are inviting authors, academician and industry people  to present and publish their most recent contributions to innovation among the many areas of International Conference on Machine Learning and Applied Network Technologies.

The conference covers both theoretical and practical issues related to, but not limited to: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Networks, Internet of Things, Signal Processing, for more information please visit https://icmlant.com/?page_id=1541 

Please submit your full papers  through: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmlant2024

The submission system for papers is open! Submit now!  ¡All accepted and presented papers will be submmited for IEEE Xplore Digital Library!

Formal Conditions of Acceptance


>> All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

>> The official language of the conference is English.

>> Submit your full draft papers in PDF format. The final version of the paper must not exceed 6 typeset pages.

>> Each submission will be peer-reviewed

>> Papers will only be published in English.

>> Papers  will only be original, previous presentation at a conference, or publication in another language, should be disclosed.

>> Papers must follow the Style for Conference Proceedings.


Word and LaTex Paper Template

Word and Latex templates can be downloaded clicking here or from the following link:

>> Word

>> LaTeX

Supported by

STEAM Robotics Academy

For further information: Manuel Cardona, PhD
STEAM Robotics Academy
Colonia Escalón, El Salvador,
Telf. (+503) 2519-2726